Thursday 26 July 2012

Shedding Light on Modernization

The miracle of light has been the source of countless depictions in history such as Greek Mythology, the ancient Pyramids of Egypt, and the Aztecs.  All have held this powerful element to be of great value; probably as a precursor to what would eventually impact the world on a grand scale.  As exaggerated as this may seem to be; it is not entirely implausible.  In fact, our societal structures have; long since, been manipulating the properties of light to directly benefit humanity.  Time; for instance, was first quantifiable through the use of a sundial, where light rays from the sun and even moonlight could determine the precise hours of the day.  Among others is the method of altering the direction of light waves to create lasers, (light amplificated by stimulated emission of radiation).  These; in turn, are integral properties of products such as records, compact discs, and other technological and medical innovations.  The influence of light on the world has made voluminous things possible; and as we approach another page in modernization, it is important to bear in mind its versatility and permanence.

Among advances made in light, is the emergence of an assortment of fixtures in modern lighting.  Modern lighting takes many shapes and forms.  An enduring favorite would have to be the modern chandelier.  Although this may be a contradiction in terms; as the chandelier has been in existence for many decades, the new contemporary designs have not sacrificed the traditional look of luxury and elegance.  A modern chandelier is; incidentally, a custom chandelier as it has undergone various modifications.  An example of a custom chandelier is the sphere chandelier; characterized by spherical-shaped lamps at the end of each outstretched arm.  There are certain variations of custom chandeliers in the market, today.  Some versions differ in size, number of extended fixtures or lamps, shape, and color.  Custom chandeliers can easily be assimilated into any motif; of course, given the proper arrangement and special availability.  For the most part, light fixtures will enhance the ambiance of a home by highlighting areas that are drab or dark.  It can set the mood for fine dining or for an elaborate party; having the capacity to augment or offset frequencies of light.  This is an advantage to the interior design of the home; as well as, the surrounding landscape that envelopes the entire property.  By placing lighting features in designated spots along the perimeter of the house; such as in between rocks and plants; even fences, doorways, and fountains, there could be a dramatic transformation.  The proper methods of lighting at specific points inside and outside the home will invariably elevate the overall environment.  It is only a matter of creative imagination and the process of trial and error.  There is no limit to how one can create the desired atmosphere of his or her ideal living space.  You are; in essence; not merely upgrading your where you live; but more importantly, how you choose to live.      

Looking Into the Light

There has been substantial progress since the early civilization of man.  Ingenuity had already existed in connecting ideas and manipulating space, time, and matter.  Primitive tools were being invented despite the limited access and availability of natural resources.  Knowledge to grasp concepts and ideals were being weighted and tested.  For the most part, our societal structures today still operate in similar; yet, distinct ways.  The difference lies in countless new discoveries and incessant stages of product development.  Incredibly; however, there are still questions left unanswered and vast worlds that have yet to be explored.   In retrospect, the future is still slowly unfolding and there is still much to learn and understand. 

Our basic instinct is to cling to basic necessities and how to maximize their efficiency.  In doing so, we ventured into the dimensions of light; an essential element of life that we so often take for granted as part of our regular day.  What many have come to realize is that there are properties within the makeup of light that can be generated, isolated, and discharged.  The methodologies seem endless and it has sparked awe-inspiring innovations.  Light, itself, was never anything new in the first place; it has always been a fixed component in households all over the world.  But since its humble beginnings, it has undergone major changes.  The entry of light into modernization has given rise to the importance of function, practicality; and to some extent, economics.  Though this was the priority of most markets, some enthusiasts have turned lighting methods into a fashion sense.  Thus, the evolution of modern lighting began. 

Inducted into the class of modern lighting, are crystal chandeliers.  This type of light fixture has been revived to reflect the ideas and sentiments of the past.  Although crystal chandeliers have not strayed far from their original forms, it is imbued in contemporary artistry and design.  Unlike other chandeliers, a crystal chandelier fully retains its aura of luxury and elegance.  While it is true that a crystal chandelier is better suited on the living room ceiling, it will generate the same effect in other places, such as above the dining room table, in hallways, and in bedrooms.  Virtually anywhere you place a chandelier; among other lighting fixtures, can undoubtedly enhance the overall atmosphere of a room.  Other determining factors include size, quantity, and arrangement.  It would all really have to depend on preference; and, there are so many designs to choose from.

The style that you integrate into your home should always be consistent; or at least coordinated, with the general motif of the house.  Accentuating a particular section of a home to highlight positive attributes or set a mood can also be applicable in the surrounding areas of your house.  The outreaching landscape that envelopes your property can be enhanced with simple additions of light features at strategic points, such as in between rocks and plants.  Essentially, you are not merely elevating the quality of your home; but the quality of living.